Turn on your brilliance

and light up the world with your deepest, most outrageous expression
Let's talk

A journey into your most creative wilds using movement, pleasure and your personal artist’s path.

A 1:1 3 month transformational coaching package

I help women with big desires who are ready to dive deep into their own sensual sacred core, remove the blocks that are keeping them stuck, alchemize challenges, and learn to cultivate more pleasure so that they can become be fully, outrageously expressed.

You will feel differently after this program. You will feel ALIVE, connected to your sensuality, your joie de vivre. You will have a palpable experience of your greatness and will be living your life from this inner knowing. You will learn how to access and trust your creativity and inner wisdom. You will find new solutions to old problems. Your confidence, health and relationships will change as will your access to abundance and ease. You will be deeply present to your life and to your dreams. From this place of turn-on mixed with inner guidance and creativity, anything is possible. You will become clear on your desires and your voice. You will become unstoppable for the vision you hold for the world.

We find that sweet sensual core of aliveness and gratitude that lives inside you. We milk the eff out of it and watch as it spills out, transforming every aspect of your life.

You will…

  • Feel sensual, sexy and ALIVE
  • Have the confidence that comes from owning your beauty and brilliance as a woman
  • Move like there was vacation inside your body
  • Clarify and claim your desires
  • Get so turned-on by your dreams that you take action.
  • Know how to access your sacred divinity and wholeness when you most need it.
  • Expand your creativity to new heights
  • Approach challenges, heartbreaks and ruptures so that they become fuel for your dreams
  • Have access to the intuition that has the universe conspiring around you to bring you what you desire.

Are you feeling curious?


Hi, I’m Krista

I use creativity, pleasure and embodiment tools to presence your deepest self; root you in your radiance; and help you create the life of your dreams.

I’ve been an apprentice to sensuality for over 23 years. I founded The Project for Urban Intimacy which uses art and community-based play to explore how we can use desire, pleasure and fun to reimagine our lives and our worlds.

Over the past 20 years — as a professor, visiting artist and guest speaker — I’ve worked with thousands of individuals to help them ask questions that unlock creative thinking and turn them on to their most creative selves.

I am a Triple-Certified Pleasure Coach from Regena Thomahauer’s School of Womanly Arts. That’s right, I’ve studied with the pleasure-queen herself, Mama Gena — Best Selling Author of the book Pussy: A reclamation. I bring in different embodiment modalities: I’m a Reiki master and have trained as a Qigong instructor as well as in Feminine Embodied Movement. Pleasure is sourced from the body so getting her lit up and moving is part of how you will access the abundance, delight and ease you’ve been longing for.

You have the creativity and power to unlock a life that fulfills your deepest desires and expands you to your fullest expression of self. You deserve a life that delights you and knocks your socks off. I want to help you get there.


Why Pleasure? A garden of belonging.

To be in pleasure is to feel the specificity of how you belong to this moment. It is an embodied experience that says, ‘Yes, I am meant to be here!’

It is the aliveness that unfurls inside you, inviting the outside to meet it: a breeze caressing your skin, the leaves of a tree shimmering in the light, the smell of the weather or a loved one. It is a way of opening to the world so that it can surprise and delight you. It’s a way to stand in gratitude and say, I want more.

Paradoxically, pleasure isn’t an easy path to take. We have been conditioned to cast ourselves out of this garden of belonging. We have been told over and over again that it’s not important; or we aren’t worthy of it; or that it is wrong. It’s so much easier to live our lives complaining or to just shut down our spirits and our bodies in overwhelm or hopelessness.

It takes real discipline to choose your pleasure and to choose your light.

It is a radical act to come into the present moment again, willing and open to find the joy that has been hiding out there all along. And your light, your radical acts, are exactly what the world needs.

One of the remarkable things about the work we will do is that it is meant for ALL of you. All of your expressions are celebrated and all of them, particularly the ones that are the hardest to own, that feel too dark or too painful, move you towards your desires. Those places are exactly where the brilliance of your presence is needed.


I’m proof that you’re making a difference

I am in total approval of myself and I lovingly approve of so much around me. I flirted my ass off yesterday.

The results? The illumination of beauty in everything, childlike wonder and curiosity, elevated confidence and willingness to take risks, and strengthened and uplifted community who offered gifts in return! Literal gifts!

Thanks for the enlightenment, Krista. You are throbbing and pulsating through me! I’m proof that you’re making a difference! I love watching you navigate what everyone shares, take risks, and uplift individuals while building community. You’re on fire!!! You’re definitely the hottest teacher I’ve ever had.
Coco Hoover, Gay Bouquettes

Frequently asked questions

01. How do I know if this is right for me?

If you are curious; if you have a sense that there is something more that is available to you but you aren’t sure how to get there on your own or you want support; or if you read my words and feel desire, this may be a yes for you. Check in with your intuition. Does it feel light or heavy, open or closed, yummy or yucky? If it makes you feel lighter or more open or expanded, it’s a yes for you. Only you will know what your next step is. All the things we will do together are about accessing your wisdom, your power, so it’s great practice to check in as you make your decision. Trust yourself. Say yes to your yes’s.

02. Is this worth the money?

Goddess, if you are resonating with this then you are absolutely worth it.

Sometimes, just the act of investing in ourselves, with time or money, can be an act of self-healing.

The feeling of being connected to your own radiance and power and that you are leading a life that you love is absolutely priceless.

03. Why Are sensuality and pleasure important?

A woman who is turned on, is unstoppable. Connecting to the things that make us feel good, that make us feel alive and like we belong to our world has incredible and far reaching consequences. It lights us up, it puts us in the realm of possibility, it gives us access to our own ability to flow with our world (as radical change-makers) instead of against it. At best, as a woman our pleasure is de-prioritized and considered unimportant. At worst it’s shamed or even punished by violence and oppression. We have a lot of relearning to do to turn our inner light back on. But a woman who is truly lit up radiates that out into the world and changes everyone around her. Being turned on is not just for you, it’s a political act!

04. Why do you work so much with the body?

Pleasure is not an intellectual exercise. It is located in the body. We use lots of tools to access and presence how our body is feeling and to move energy through it. Emotion is energy in motion, so when we have a feeling, we need to move with it or let it move through us. And the more we allow and create a space for all of our selves and all of our emotions, the more room there is inside us for creating inside us for pleasure. We also use tools to deliberately expand our body’s ability to receive pleasure.Only when we cultivate and make a place for pleasure in our bodies will we have pleasure-filled lives.

05. Isn’t all this sensuality frivolous?

That’s what the patriarchy may have you believe. That’s what I believed for years and why I shut down so many of my passions and so much of myself. The feminine has been made to feel like its interests are just superflous. Because a woman who is lit up is dangerous. You are literally sitting on your greatest source of power. And pleasure and sensuality — choosing a life that you love — is the single most empowering gift you can give yourself.


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